Left handle – 1 fader, 1 shutter botton and 1 z-roller.

   Key feature

2 x motorized handlebars

 Right handle – 1 fader, 1 freeze movement button, 1 roller and 15 buttons for presets.

Key feature

Macula System are able to control any moving head in the intelligent fixture market.

The result is of course depending of the ramping of pan/tilt protection in stepper motors.

Macula are continuing working together with:

JB Lighting, Martin, Vari*Lite, ETC, Ayrton, Cameo and High End Systems.

Creating software updates to the series of moving heads.

Key feature

High Resolution Fluid Head

The Fluid Head in the Macula system adds the organic feel of handling a Follow spot. Operators will recognize the feeling like a traditional followspot just without the mechanical rattling.

The Fluid Head represents a resolution never seen higher in Remote Controlled Followspots.

Macula only use the best device in the market also used in the Film industry for remote controlled film cameras.

Key feature

PosiStageNet Transmission Available in Firmware 0.99

We’re pleased to announce that our new firmware version 0.99 includes support for PosiStageNet (PSN) transmission. This upgrade allows our system to send real-time position data — to any device or software solution that can receive PSN.

To request the newest firmware, please email ek@macula.systems

We look forward to seeing how you use our PSN transmission feature to streamline your productions and elevate your live events!

Key feature

The MoveVision Motion Camera is a camera system rebuild by Macula Systems. Reengineered from the Era 150 Wash fixture, this camera is specifically designed for integration into Macula Systems, enabling advanced control over multiple fixtures within a lighting rig. It also offers versatile applications, making it an ideal solution for corporate events and smaller studios.

Find a Setup guide under “Downloads”


The system adds a large amounts of advantages for the lighting designer and the spot operator. Based on high quality components, fast CPU´s and a simplified software adds a powerful tool for the lighting industry increasing the trust and reliability to the remote control device from the distance.

17” Touch screen + Monitor cable (HDMI+USB+POWER)

Adjustable Tripod

1 left motorized handlebar + 7Pin Xlr Cable 0.5m

1 Right motorized handlebar, including a keypad + 7 Pin Xlr Cable 0.5m

1 Fluid Head Encoder


1 NDI Camera + 2 m Power & Cat5 cable + Camera mount

1 Camera box – Not including Super clamp & safety wire.

1 PSU: External power supply from 230V to 12V. Max Wattage 60W – Schuko to True1

Weight: 24kg

Macula Systems choose the Full HD Birddog PF120 box camera & Aida HD X20

Video-signal & Power via RJ45 Cat 5 or Cat 6 cable for a maximum distance of 90m

Optionally use fiber for getting a longer distance

Remote control functions: Zoom, Focus & Exposure

Create your universe directly from the Macula system. Select ether ArtNet/sACN

The dmx signal out from Macula is Rj45. So if you want to go with 5P Dmx Cable to the fixture you will need to go out of a Lighting console or Node

32 x sACN universe in/out can be made

4 x Artnet universe in/out can be made

The Macula system enhance multi fixture setups.

Define where your selected fixtures geographical position and add the XYZ metric data to the software in relation to the Primary Fixture physical position. The algorithm of Macula software will keep track of XYZ in relation to the Primary Fixture.

Choose from programming the independent fixtures directly in the Macula software or leave it to the LD to add the features to the involved fixtures.

Macula System supports save and recall of groups of fixtures and different Primary Fixtures. This is called banks. Creating banks in the system software enhance complexed systems enabling to share fixtures between multiple Macula systems and lighting consoles.

Macula add the feature of multiple viewports thru the rig of cameras attached to the Primary Fixtures. This empower the operator to switch around the rig of Primary Fixtures to gain the best optional viewport for a clear sight of the stage.


About us

LC-Innovation is a company based in Copenhagen. The team around Macula are built around passion and experience in lighting industry in all.

Especially key- lighting for Broadcast & Theaters are the prime target in our line of Business. 20 Years of experience in the lighting industry through out Europe,

Today makes the development of The Macula-System possible.

The team behind the unique Macula System , proudly present Intelligent future handling of followspot operating.

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Werning Theatertechnik Theaterbedarf

(+49) 2361 937890


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+43 676 5166036


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+47 913 02 000


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Ralph Rydén

+46 70 561 28 34


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+45 61 12 02 27


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Sound Technology Ltd

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Show Technology Ltd

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+61 2 9748 1122

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Billy Magendran

+61 2 9748 1122


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Emil Krog

+45 22 31 75 65


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